Biologische Kuriosität: Tomate mit Extremität in Form einer Nase oder eines Penis.
Dieses Foto ist echt und ohne Bildbearbeitungsprogramme in Originalform aus dem iPhone 5s. Die Bilddatei wurde vor dem Upload nur umbenannt. Die extreme Tomate wurde von mir selbst gezüchtet, gepflückt und sofort danach auf meinem Bürotisch zuhause fotografiert.
Biological oddity - Biological curiosity:Tomato with extremity/limb in the form of a nose or a penis.
This photo is genuine and without image processing programs in the original form of the iPhone 5s. The image file was only renamed before uploading. The extreme tomato was bred by myself, picked and immediately photographed on my home office table.
Bild/Image: © September 2015 - This image I made is a present for the world and for all people - Feel free and feel good to use it in any formats and variations, feel free to change it and do what ever you want. But I wish that nobody use it to discriminate other people with it. Would be nice and okay if You link my name or register in this great community Cosirex. Have a good time...
1 $ donation for this original file would be a christmas present for my hard work of this community and my other work
Thanks a lot
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