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❝Online addiction-Internet addiction❞ by Mister Holle's "Chat addiction" with the most important categories of chatter
❝To participate!❞ Chat addiction poll „Help! Am I addicted to chat?“
❝To which category of Internet addict do I belong?❞
❝To which category of Internet addict do you belong?❞
❝Do I already have chat addiction symptoms?❞
❝Am I addicted to the Internet?❞
❝Help, I've been taking by online addiction.❞
Here you can have your chat search, internet search, online search, Facebook addiction, Whatsapp addiction treated by experienced online therapists. The online addiction therapists are of course also former on-line/chatting addicts
Special topic: Internet addiction and rising anger are in relation to another - chats and rage on everything and each complement (expotential increase).
❝How do I get rid of my internet addiction?❝
❝How do I know if I am chatty?❞
❝Help, help, my grandma is addicted to facebook!❞
❝How to free grandpa from his online addiction/internet addiction?❞
❝Ways out of addiction! Real awesome addiction treatment❞
❝Help! Mum is chat-horny and Pa always wants chatting❞
The great catalog of measures against creeping internet addiction/chat addiction/online addiction/computer addiction.
This work is in the original on Mr. Holle's homepage.
Here is his competent, analytically coined work, witty-packed, about the complex chats, which can be succumbed to each of us, and at any time.
The drawer of your chatter-psyche is certainly also there, it is definitely that.
The publication in the Cosirex Forum and the Cosirex Community is expressly permitted and intended by Mr. Holle.
„Chat addiction“ *New* „Chat addiction by Holle“
What might be the indicators for chat addiction look like? Not that I hadn't asked myself this question. By having a profession I'm not in danger of falling into chat addiction because I don't have the time to get full and entirely to the virtual world.
I admit, however, that the chat has a certain meaning for me, or I prefer to express it like this: Some people in the chat mean something to me. Some (virtual) people have become so important to me that I have already canceled them for real encounters.
However, this group of people is reduced to very few people. You can count them on one hand. As the rule I know these people, however, privately, which makes the matter somewhat relativized.
Let's see what types I've met in chat so far.
Here are my personal "chat addiction/online addiction" categories:
Type | Description | Hazard Potential [1-10] |
365/12/24/60 | Hardcore Chatter
Well, so to speak, chat addiction in perfection! As a rule, they are housewives or unemployed people who are online 24 hours a day, and always reachable. They are the chatting addicts and do not leave an opportunity to emphasize daily that those who are not to be afraid of Real Life can be deplored. They are sorry for themselves. This genus Chatter should urgently see a doctor. |
10 |
Frustrated chatter
The frustrated Frustrator |
The people who only come into the chat when they are frustrated. They are very rare.
If these chatter are there, it's mostly at night. They always seem a bit emotionsless, but are usually friendly. |
4 |
Locked chatter
The locked Locked |
Perform a regular job, usually it is a technical job in which he does not have to communicate with other people.
This type is very closed, speaking by voice rarely until never. This may have various causes, e.g. shyness. Is there daily, has many chat friends. Whether this type is endangered depends strongly on the person's realism. |
7 |
Stressed chatter
The Busted The Stressed “Go away, shut up!” |
People who are looking for relaxation, distance from everyday life, in
which they are totally under steam, in which everything is required.
These people use the chat to relax, mostly daily. They are distant in dealing with the chat friends and build only very little intensive contacts. |
7 |
Sex chatter
Horny chatter Sex addicted chatter “Bend over!” |
All people who are on hunts for women's or men's, often also lesbians and gays.
They mack on everyone that does not get fast enough on the tree, mostly via PN (personal message), but also directly in the room. |
6 |
Exhibitionist chatter
Cam-jerk Cam-wanker Masturbating women “Look at me - I'm a horny bitch!” |
These chatters present themselves naked in front of the webcam, feel
comfortable, they satisfy themselves several times in the evening before
the cam.
As long as there are still women who have fun and watch them, these gentlemen will be there and pursue their addiction. The female counterpart of the Cam-Wanker/Cam-Jerk is the woman, which satisfies herself in front the cam. They fill everything in themselves and delight themselves in the crowd of spectators. Even couples can be common Cam-fucker. |
8 |
Fetishist chatter
The fetishist Fetishist “Kneel down, bitch!” |
These ladies and gentlemen find like-minded chatting. People with whom they can speak openly, which they take seriously.
They usually look for a common room or open a private room. As a rule, they are intelligent and open people. |
7 |
Disabled chatter
The handicapped The disabled |
People with physical disabilities who are reluctant to live among people
or are so severely handicapped that they can not leave the house.
In most cases they do not reveal their handicap, behave completely normal. |
9 |
Traumatized chatter
The traumatized Traumatized |
Someone who has a traumatic experience behind, have to forget, because he is regularly confronted with it in real life.
This type of chatter is looking for distraction in chat. |
8 |
Left-behind chatter
The abandoned |
These chatter are often divorce victims or victims of a separation. They
are suffering because of lack of self-awareness, are desperate.
These people build up again in the chat, find distraction, refuel. Most of the time, they are quickly disappearing when they find a new partner, or have refueled. However, since this phase can take a very long time, the addictive potential is very high. |
9 |
Opportunity chatter | Totally normal people who see the chat as a welcome change and entertainment. | 1 |
Smartass chatter
Gobshite Smartypants Wiseacre, Wisenheimer |
Types that call everyone chatsy are just there to demonstrate to others how pathetic they really are.
Frequently also people who abuse the unemployed, they think other chatter should rather go to job searches than hang around here. These types are often found on the long ignore lists, because they are intolerable, and second, even if they should be right, are gladly blown out. |
8 |
The lonely chatter
The lonely ones The lonely |
These people hope to finally find the suitable counterpart or lid in the
chat, since they have very little or no possibility and are always
overlooked by everyone.
Presumably also because they do not correspond to the ideal image of society. |
9 |
The chat destroyer
Destroyer The destroyer |
A very unpleasant category of chatters.
They come only to destroy, to hurt people in their deepest interior. The chatter browse profiles and homepages for personal information and try to spread rumors. The Destroyer Chatter is openly confronting people with their problems. They often make jokes at the expense of others. They are destroyers who are only trying to hurt others. They are usually only in a chat room for a short time, often changing the nicknames, because they are in many Igno lists. |
3 |
Loud kicker
Silently kicker |
The loud kicker booms with the fact that he kicks, however, forget that boosters are usually trojan-infected software.
Not himself kicks others from the chat room, but a simple program, which children kindergarten children could use. This guy plays as if only he could decide who enters or leaves the room, locks accounts, and has mostly created hundreds of kicknicks. The quiet kicker is very sneaky, he is very technically well-versed and enjoys the boating of other people. A poor creature actually, because these people are often lonely, see no other way to generate a personal success for themselves personally. |
5 |
Addicted chatter
Narcotic chatter Alcoholic chatter Gambling addicted chatter |
These people have already become addicted to an real addiction, are so to
speak vulnerable, since they have already proved addiction potential.
Double Junkies, in real and also addicted to chat. Frequently, it is a question of the presence of a person who is already a member of a group of people who is already a marginal group, and who try to conceal this fact in the chat, or to meet with other addicts. |
8 |
Writing rascals
Writing scamps Writing whippersnapper |
This chatter category does not come into the voice, writes only, pulls it to the mouth.
With these people you can chat in the chat very interesting conversations and exchange. They are masters in the use of smilies in chat, as it is the only way for them to express emotions. They are usually naughty and often humorous. Your jokes never go under the belt line because they have fun on the chat. |
8 |
Silent chatter
The Silent |
The chatter always talks quietly or not at all, do not want to notice, only comes into the voice, to play music, if at all. He feels often pressured, if he is addressed in PN, takes short and is mostly in the background. If this type of chatter is criticized or consciously compelled to get into the voice, he usually leaves the room without a word. | 6 |
Lone parent chatter
The single parent Lone parents Single parents |
People in the chat who can not leave the house because of their family situation, especially if they have to take care of the upbringing of small children. The chat serves as a substitute and interface for the world in front of the door, which must be considered too often from the inside. | 8 |
The chat provocateur
The provocateur |
Frequently people who are incredibly frustrated. They can not leave
their rage in real life because the social environment does not allow it
and try to free themselves in the chat.
They insult all marginalized groups and those who are just randomly nearby. Frequently, the provocative and provocateur also appears as a chatter of the category "Loud kicker". |
7 |
And? In which chat addiction category do you see yourself?
I'm sure, that you fit into a drawer, possibly also in two, so to say a mixture of two, or more categories
I already categorized myself.
The 20 most common signs that you are chatting are here.
Chat addiction may sound a little sarcastic, but is also well integrated with real addiction indicators.
True to the motto: your "first time" began with command "/me
Source: 10 Reasons you might be addicted to IRC (übersetzt)
Zusammenfassung der Übersetzung: Der Chat vereint Menschen, die i.d.R. einen Grund haben, sich in der virtuellen Welt aufzuhalten. Viele finden dort Halt, tanken Selbstbewußtsein, lassen ihren Frust ab, finden Gleichgesinnte.
Unterm Strich ist der Chat für alle o.a. Typen ein Forum, welches sie im Realleben unterstützen, ja sogar hilfreich sein kann.
Die Gefahr besteht im Suchtpotential. Viele verlieren den Sinn für Realität, verschließen sich, werden im RL immer schwerer zugänglich, vernachlässigen Ihre Kinder, Ihre Freunde, verfallen der virtuellen Welt.
Heute, nach zehn Jahren sieht man Kopien dieser wunderbaren Chatsüchtigen-Kategorien in Facebook, Twitter und mehr...
Dabei hatte alles den Ursprung im größten und schönsten Chat der Welt...dem unvergesslichen und unverwechselbaren Yahoo Chat...
Hoffen wir, dass wir damit umgehen können und frühzeitig die Reißleine ziehen.