Why Adobe provides its Creative Cloud products (CC) not even for pensioners with low incomes, people with disabilities, unemployed persons?
It is good that Adobe's Creative Cloud with Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Lightroom, Character Animator for pupils, students, teachers and lecturers sells discounted with 65%.
But why think those responsible not to people who want to work creatively, but the huge chunks of 60 Euro can not pay, because the number of people increases continuously with low incomes.
With a pension of 465 dollars a month creative cloud is only a wonderful unreal dream.
Where is the equality of opportunity, the opportunity through artistic, creative work to evolve in order to free itself ultimately out of trouble by earned through his work to money. Thereafter, each former low incomes would gladly pay more.
But without discount it's not possible for people to work creatively and to break free out of necessity through computer work.
Many have great talents in the arts of design, web design, art and programming.
It would be a milestone if Adobe also offers poorer people a chance, little profit by many poor people would be for Adobe a great outlet.
I would submit my pensioneer income proof as evidence.
Adobe for the world

Adobe does not offer a subscription for income people!
Absolutely a great idea. More n more poor people everywhere on planet earth. Great companys like Adobe can make profit and open hearts at the same time through a little help for everyone.
- Offizieller Beitrag
Today I have written to Adobe Feedback:
Adobe offers special discounted fares for students and teachers. But not for the socially disadvantaged, such as pensioners and people with minimum or low income.
I am such a person. Personally, so I will use and purchase the CC or even individual products only until the end of this year. Of course, I can even prove my income by official documents.
Adobe could reach so much people by social prices and specialized solutions, because the world gets more and more poorer, not richer, because the money is being crystallized in the hands of less people. It is a question of sales strategy and marketing to sell much more products instead oriented by fixed prices for the better earning consumers.Thanks a lot Adobe for the best creative time of my life!
Adobe still has not been able to offer discount solutions for low-income creative artists such as retirees and people with handicaps.
Why does not Adobe adhere to the human path not only for students, teachers, teachers, but also for low-income people?
This would be a global step in a global player.