Dear Internet users, computer enthusiasts, Cosirex members and visitors!!
Here the key combination of the four special characters - Copyright © - Sound Recording Copyright Symbol (Phonogram) ℗ - Unregistered Trademark ™ - Registered Trademark ® - Service Mark ℠
If you want to make it quite easily, can simply copy the following special characters at the end of this sentence and put in your post or in any text file or message. © ℗ ™ ® ℠
Especially for the members who introduce here their own works like poems, stories, photos, music, videos, it's important that reliably identify the "own work" in this way. But this is just as important for the recruitment of a "foreign work" to document who the owner or author of the work is.
Often photographers allow other people to show and share their photos, but only and explicitly with a reference to the right of use of the photographer, or the author of the respectively shown work.
Here are the magic key combinations:
On Windows the keypad have to be activated (Click Num Lock). Only there you can enter the numbers!
- Copyright © - - - - - - - - - - - ALT + 0169 - U+00A9 - - & #169; Without Space - - &WCF_AMPERSAND© - - &WCF_AMPERSAND©
- Sound Recording Copyright ℗ - - - ALT + 0153 - U+2117 - - & #8471; Without Space - - &WCF_AMPERSAND℗ - - ---
- Unregistered Trademark ™ - - - ALT + 0153 - U+2122 - - & #8482; Without Space - - &WCF_AMPERSAND™ - - &WCF_AMPERSAND™
- Registered Trademark ® - ALT + 0174 - U+00AE - - & #174; Without Space - - &WCF_AMPERSAND® - - &WCF_AMPERSAND®
- Service Mark ℠ - - - - - - - -ALT + 0174 - U+2120 - - & #8480; Without Space - - &WCF_AMPERSAND℠ - - ---
On Mac (Macintosh) the activation of the number keypad is not necessary. You can write the key combination or keyboard shortcut on normal keyboard!
- Copyright © - - - - - - - - - - - - ALT + G
- Sound Recording Copyright © - - - ---
- Unregistered Trademark ™ - - - ALT + SHIFT + D
- Registered Trademark ® - ALT + R
- Service Mark ® - - - - - - - ---
Copyright act - copyright law
In short words, many photographers allow the linking of their photos, you should only pointing out, unimportant whether with or without copyright sign, the short sentence "copyright of these images/photos is by Mrs. or Mr. XYZ" is already enough to identify the author.
Helpful and interesting: To 80% (my own estimate) are photos from Wikipedia "generally free". This means they may be used. If you click on an image in Wikipedia you can see exactly whether the picture could be used and whether a reference to the author is required.
In the end, everything is easier and friendlier than you think. You just have to know it.
Lots of greets
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